NFT Prove It

Allow you to prove ownership of an NFT in real-time with no wallet exposure



All NFT data is public, but ownership is just an ID code that needs to be proved that you are the holder of that ID code and therefore the NFT, which needs to be able to be done on the go quickly.

NFTs are changing ownership in real-time so when you have someone who wants to use the NFT to access something, you need proof that they own the NFT in real-time through a secure model using their phone as the key to unlock as the most secure model so no one impersonates them to get access to something they shouldn’t.

When you want to use the NFT to access something, you want to prove you have the NFT quickly following an automatic process that doesn’t expose your wallet and all the other attached data you may have.

Current models require you to connect your wallet to their system which then exposes everything about you and potential vectors of attack on your wallet.

The key fundamental is think of this as the physical key you use to unlock a door. No one really knows who you, how you got the key, just that you have a valid key to get access, ie not about who you are, just that you have the key. Many systems are trying to be an ID system, but that can be attached to the NFT via other methods that can be off-chain.



Prove ownership of a wallet using a payment transaction from the wallet that owns NFTs with the amount as a PIN code which we then can continue to track.

A Native App then holds the members NFTs where they have been verified already.

Share a url or the QR Code that shows you ownership status of an NFT once you have verified, which will load a web page showing the status for who is checking.

The native App can also be a checker to allow you access to a site, event or to check others in the NFT ownership with a two-channel notification (2FA) model with dual QR’s able to be shown for more secure access.